Boy or Girl Pregnancy Test

  • 名稱 :Boy or Girl Pregnancy Test
  • 版本 :1.0-Free
  • 分類 :懷孕與育兒
  • 系統 :4.1 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 :3 歲以上

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Boy or Girl Pregnancy Test介紹 :

Boy or Girl Pregnancy Test

Boy or Girl Gender Predictor offers you to have all best-known ways to predict your baby's gender in only one app.
Baby Gender Predictor calculates this by ancient Chinese Baby Gender Calendar and Blood Update Method to make it more fun it comes with a smooth elegant user Interface.

This program will help you to predict your future baby gender before the ultrasound .

Chinese method has about 80% accuracy and Blood Type method about 50%. You must understand that this method can not replace ultrasound because it has about 99% accuracy.

♀ The Mother's Age is based on her Age at time of conception. Once you find these two items (Mother's Age and conception month) you can determine the gender of your baby for boy or girl.

♂ You can use the Baby Gender Predictor to plan a baby of a specific gender too, you can base your Conception date/month on a future date and use that date/month when calculating the Mother's Age at the time of conception.

♂ As this app is for entertainment purposes only, you may have more luck choosing a gender selection method which is based on scientific fact like the Shettle's Method of Gender Selection.

It's 100% free app. Just enjoy. 男孩或女孩性別預測為您提供讓所有最知名的方式來預測寶寶的性別隻在一個應用程序。


中國方法的大約的 80%的準確度和血型方法關於 50%。你必須明白,這種方法不能取代的超聲檢查的,因為它具有約 99%的準確率。





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