Champion of the Gods

  • 名稱:Champion of the Gods
  • 版本:1.1.0
  • 分類:角色扮演
  • 系統:2.3 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:18 歲以上極端暴力

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Champion of the Gods介紹:

Champion of the Gods

In the battle to save your people, will you defy the gods? In an ancient world where myth is reality and fate is relentless, your destiny will lead you to secrets no mortal should ever know.

"Champion of the Gods" is a thrilling 217,000-word interactive novel by Jonathan Valuckas, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based–without graphics or sound effects–and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

As you fight your way through a harsh landscape inspired by Greek myth, you ll challenge monsters, soldiers, and even gods. Win allies with your humility, your haughtiness, or your powers of deception. Enjoy gifts from the gods, or refuse them all and face the consequences.

Will you earn favor from the goddess of love, or make the god of war your protector? Can you escape a watery death without divine intervention? And when you finally learn the truth of your destiny, will you overthrow the ones who made you, or will you become the Champion of the Gods?

• Explore a rich world inspired by the ancient myths.
• Use divine gifts to embolden your allies, and control your enemies.
• Peer into the future , the far distance, or the hearts of your foes with second sight.
• Receive a horoscope tailored to your character’s unique personality.
• Delve into romances, or play the game without them–the choice is yours.
• Play as male or female; straight, gay, or bi. 在戰鬥中你的人,你會藐視神?在一個古老的世界裡,神話是現實,命運是無情的,你的命運將導致你的秘密不應該凡人永遠不會明白。

“諸神的冠軍”,是由Jona​​than Valuckas,在您選擇控制故事驚心動魄217000字小說的互動。這是完全基於文本的- 沒有圖形或聲音效果- 並且助長了你的想像力的廣闊,勢不可擋的力量。



•鑽研的戀情,或者沒有他們玩的遊戲 – 選擇是你的。

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