Market Helper

  • 名稱 : Market Helper
  • 版本 : 1.1
  • 系統 : 2.0 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 未分級 警告:內容尚未分級。未分級的應用程式可能含有兒童不宜的內容。


軟體介紹 :

Market Helper This app is an add-on for apps created by JRummy Apps Inc. The app does not put an app icon in your app drawer. Please read the description below:

This app only has one purpose – it uses the unofficial android market api to get info about other apps that are on the Google Play Store. It can get info about an app's description, category, price, etc. on the Google Play Store. The info is used in other apps (like ROM Toolbox or Ultimate Backup) to create app groups or show you additional information about one of your installed apps.

The reason this is a separate app is because of the permissions it requires. This app is open source, which means you can know exactly what the app does. The permissions to your accounts is only used to generate a token used in the Android Market API. This is explained here:

We didn't want to just add those permissions to the main app. This same API is used by apps like Titanium Backup. We just made this a separate app so users won't complain so much about a permission being added 😛

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]



這個程序隻有一個目的 – 它使用非官方的Andr​​oid市場API獲取信息的其他應用程序,谷歌播放商店。它可以得到一個應用程序的描述,類別,價格,等谷歌播放商店的個人信息。相關信息被用於在其他應用程序(如ROM工具箱或終極備份)來創建應用程序組,或告訴你更多信息您安裝的應用程序之一。

這是一個單獨的應用程序的原因是因為它需要的權限。這個程序是開源的,這意味著你可以確切地知道什麼應用程序做。您的帳戶的權限僅用於生成一個令牌,用於在Android Market API。這是解釋:


如果您有任何其他問題,請隨時聯繫我們在jrummy.apps @


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