Planet Commander Online: Space ships galaxy game

  • 名稱:Planet Commander Online: Space ships galaxy game
  • 版本:1.9
  • 分類:動作
  • 系統:4.0.3 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:7 歲以上輕度暴力

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Planet Commander Online: Space ships galaxy game介紹:

Planet Commander Online: Space ships galaxy game

Space beta testing:
Please be aware that the game is still in development and does not represent a final version. This is a beta release. Please take this into account when leaving comments and ratings.
The game is not complete, and many aspects of it remain to be completed and polished in the future. We ask you to keep this in mind with your comments and ratings. We’re working hard on Planet Commander Online so you can enjoy it!

Have you always dreamed of space ships and space combat space battles? Check out the first mobile online game with direct control of your own spaceship and space travel.

In Planet Commander manticore, you are the captain of a galaxy spaceship. You start with a small spaceship, but as your pilot character grows and develops, you will end up commanding huge battleships and super-heavy spaceships. Battle galaxy on fire online with real opponents in the multiplayer space wars game mode and develop your space fleet.

The galaxy on fire and space need a commander like you! Become a legend in a galaxy on fire! Let the spaceship battles begin!

Planet Commander’s online space battles features:
– 5 spacecraft interstellar spaceships classes (from light to super-heavy vehicles: frigates, destroyers, battleships, carriers, super heavy warships), each can carry a variety of equipment.
– More than 20 spaceships to choose from, entering combat with different tactics .
– Each space battleship can be fully customized and improved: Planet Commander features over 100 different armaments and modules. You can even add your own logo and repaint your ship!
– Eve online dreadnought spaceships "like" gameplay
– Beautiful homeworld locations: enter battles aboard spacecraft with your squad in space as well as within planetary atmospheres and space exploration!
– Awesome space game mobile 3D graphics!

Join Planet Commander’s game space battle community!
Online galaxy on fire space ships game: 空間Beta測試:




– 5星際飛船宇宙飛船類(由輕到超重型車輛:艦,艦,戰艦,載體,超重型軍艦),每個可以攜帶多種設備。
– 超過20飛船可供選擇,進入戰鬥用不同的戰術。
– 每個空間戰艦可以完全定制的和改進:行星指揮官設有超過100種不同軍備和模塊。你甚至可以添加自己的徽標,並重新繪製你的船!
– 在線前夕無畏飛船“喜歡”的遊戲
– 美麗家園位置:進入戰鬥與乘坐空間你的球隊飛船以及行星大氣層和太空探索中!
– 真棒空間遊戲移動3D圖形!


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