Psy High

  • 名稱:Psy High
  • 版本:1.1.0
  • 分類:角色扮演
  • 系統:2.3 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Psy High介紹:

Psy High

When the kids at your high school start developing psychic powers, you and your friends must team up to stop the principal from taking over the world!

&quot ;Psy High" is an interactive teen supernatural mystery novel by Rebecca Slitt, where your choices control the story. It’s entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.

Play as male or female; gay, straight, or bi. Will you be a jock or a brain? Popular or ignored? Use your psychic powers to help others, or to take what you want. W in a coveted scholarship, star in the Drama Club play – or lose it all and spend your senior year in juvenile detention. How much are you willing to sacrifice to get ahead in the world?

Can you solve the case ? Can you save the school? And most importantly, can you find a date to the prom?

– Solve mysteries in the classic teen-detective genre with a supernatural twist.
– Find your place in the cutthroat high-school social scene: be an athlete, an actor, a brain, or a rebel.
– Uncover the truth about your small town and its secrets.
– Instead of stopping the principal, why not steal his powers for yourself, or even join him in his plan for world domination?
– Find your one true love, or more than one! (They never talked about love triangles in trigonometry!) 當孩子在你高中開始發展的精神力量,你和你的朋友們一定要組隊去接管世界停止本金!

扮演男性或女性;同性戀,異性戀或雙向。你將是一個喬克或腦?流行或忽視?用你的精神力量去幫助別人,或者把你想要的東西。贏得了夢寐以求的獎學金,明星在戲劇社戲 – 或失去這一切,花你的大四在青少年拘留。多少錢你願意犧牲獲得成功的世界?

– 解決了經​​典的十幾歲的偵探小說流派的神秘與超自然的扭曲。
– 尋找你在競爭激烈的高中社會景象的地方:成為一名運動員,演員,腦,或反叛。
– 揭開真相的小鎮,它的秘密。
– 停止本金相反,為什麼不偷他的權力為自己,甚至和他一起在他的計劃統治世界?
– 尋找你的真愛,或一個以上的! (他們從來沒有說過在三角三角戀!)

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