AnyDesk remote PC/Mac control

  • 名稱 :AnyDesk remote PC/Mac control
  • 版本 : 2.7.3
  • 分類 :商業
  • 系統 : 4.3 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


AnyDesk remote PC/Mac control介紹 :

AnyDesk remote PC/Mac control At you will find further information on remote access and remote maintenance, directly from your smartphone or tablet and for all platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.


Fast: AnyDesk is faster than all the others. This makes remote desktop operations possible that would be unthinkable using other remote desktop software. Video editing, image editing, computer administration, online teamwork…

Secure: Remote computer control and maintenance using AnyDesk is as secure as online banking, thanks to TLS 1.2 encryption, 2048-bit RSA Key Exchange and Erlang technology.

Fair: Remote PC access with AnyDesk is free for personal use. For commercial purposes, AnyDesk offers transparent licensing models without hidden costs, without compulsion to update and with all updates included.

Quick guide:
1. Install this app on your smartphone or tablet.
2. Launch AnyDesk on the remote computer. Download the program file from our website to your computer and double-click to launch it. This shows you the computer’s AnyDesk ID.
3. Open the app on your smartphone or tablet and then enter the AnyDesk ID.

What is AnyDesk?
Rival products only claim to be able to guarantee smooth image transmission. But AnyDesk, the world’s fastest remote desktop application, keeps this promise.

Stylish independence
AnyDesk is the first remote access application powerful enough for you to be able to work on a remote PC smoothly and without becoming weary. All your home or office PC’s programs, files and settings are always immediately available, without the need for annoying network configuration. And your files remain where they belong: on your own computer.

Easy collaboration
Achieve more together. AnyDesk is also absolutely ideal for online teamwork. Thanks to the optional ability to display two mouse cursors, it’s possible to jointly work on text, pictures or different documents. Completely easily, quickly and without having to entrust your files to an online service.

Relaxed remote maintenance
Helping is more fun when it’s convenient. AnyDesk can do lots more than just remote administration and remote support. But that’s not to say that it doesn’t also shine in these areas. Thanks to its smooth operation, setting up a colleague’s printer or installing a new CRM tool on all the computers in the sales department is almost automatic.

Image frame rate
In local networks and with many internet connections, AnyDesk transfers images at 60 frames per second – much more than all the other remote desktop applications. The movements that AnyDesk shows on screen are therefore as smooth as possible, because nearly all PC monitors can also reproduce 60 frames per second. AnyDesk therefore enables you to work smoothly, without stuttering display.

When working on a remote desktop, it is essential that latency is as low as possible. The lower the latency, the more quickly the PC being controlled reacts to input. Because internet connections require a certain amount of time to transmit data from one PC to another, it is especially important that AnyDesk itself doesn’t cause any additional delays, as far as possible. In local networks, AnyDesk’s latency is less than 16 milliseconds, and is therefore imperceptible.

Data volume
When using a remote desktop tool over the internet, it is crucial that the bandwidth available is used as efficiently as possible. This is especially the case when working over mobile connections such as UMTS. AnyDesk’s efficient use of bandwidth enables smooth working at available bandwidth of 100 kB/s and above. But even at bandwidths lower than this, AnyDesk performs significantly better than rival products. 在anydesk.com你會發現直接從您的智能手機或平板電腦,並適用於所有平臺上的遠程訪問和遠程維護的更多信息,:Windows和MacOS和Linux的Android和iOS。



安全性:遠程計算機控制和使用AnyDesk維護網上銀行的安全,這要歸功於TLS 1.2加密,2048位RSA密鑰交換和Erlang技術。


2.在遠程計算機上啟動AnyDesk。從我們的網站anydesk.de程序文件下載到您的計算機並雙擊啟動它。這說明您電腦的AnyDesk ID。
3.打開智能手機或平板電腦的應用程序,然後輸入AnyDesk ID。



更一起實現。 AnyDesk也絕對理想的在線協作。由於顯示兩個鼠標指針可選的能力,有可能對文字,圖片或不同的文件一起工作。完全方便,快捷,無需將文件委託給一個在線服務。

幫助更多的樂趣時,它的方便。 AnyDesk可以做很多不僅僅是遠程管理和遠程支持的更多。但是,這並不是說,它不會也大放異彩在這些領域。由於其平穩運行,建立一個同事的打印機上或在銷售部門中的所有計算機上安裝一個新的CRM工具幾乎是自動的。

比所有其他的遠程桌面應用程序的更多 – 在本地網絡,並與許多互聯網連接,AnyDesk以每秒60幀的圖像傳輸。因此盡可能順利的AnyDesk顯示在屏幕上的動作,因為幾乎所有的PC顯示器也可以重現每秒60幀。因此AnyDesk使您工作順利,無口吃顯示。


當使用通過因特網遠程桌面工具,這是至關重要的可用帶寬被盡可能有效地使用。在諸如UMTS移動連接時,這是特別的情況。 AnyDesk的有效利用帶寬能夠順利工作在100 KB / s以上的可用帶寬。但是,即使在帶寬比這個低,AnyDesk性能比競爭對手的產品更好顯著。

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