Buy & sell used cars in Korea

  • 名稱 :Buy & sell used cars in Korea
  • 版本 : 9.03
  • 分類 :汽車與車輛
  • 系統 : 4.1 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上

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Buy & sell used cars in Korea介紹 :

Buy & sell used cars in Korea ○ Why do I need "Thecarfree5"?

● When I sell my car – If there is no way to sell clean and well-managed cars, should I sell them to a dealer at an unbelievably low price?

● When I buy a car – When I find a dealer to buy a used car, I have to pay the price I saw on the internet site, plus an additional dealer fee. Moreover, the price of internet is the amount including repair cost, paint cost, liability premium, gloss, parking, office deposit, dealer margin. Besides, even if the vehicle I saw on the Internet does not exist, nobody cares!

● I am a foreigner living in Korea – Thecarfree5 has released an English version for foreigners residing in Korea. Foreigner whose native language is English can purchase Korean-owned vehicles or motorcycles directly without paying a fee, or sell their vehicles directly. In addition, when using the paid interpreter service, you can purchase Korean-owned vehicles conveniently by overcoming the language barriers that may be incurred when dealing with vehicles and documents.

● Actual case : Mr. Kim, a company employee, fought a dealer after selling his car. He had a well managed Hyundai Sonata for three years and decided to sell his car for 1,100 Manwon(About $10,000) to the dealer. A few days later, he saw a car that was familiar to him from a website of the Internet. In addition, the selling price was 1,300 Manwon. He remembered the dealer who persuaded him saying like "You can not get more than 11 million Won anywhere in Korea.". He protested to the dealer. However, the dealer said that he only got 30Manwon because of the polish and repair costs. In the end, He got angry and ended up calling.

● So what if we deal directly with each other? Simplifying the transaction process means that you can buy a car at a lower price and sell at a higher price. However where do you buy or sell to do that? Moreover, is it possible to deal directly with another person who also do not know well about cars?

It's possible! With our app Thecarfree5, ordinary people can buy and sell used cars conveniently.

There are 5 unique features of our app that distinguish it from other apps.

▷ Features 1. Comparison of similar vehicles – When you buy!
Q: There is a car I want to buy, but I want to see similar cars once more. It would be very helpful if the app could show similar vehicles together.
A: When you buy a car through Thecarfree5, the app automatically finds up to five similar cars that you wish to buy and shows them together. So you can compare the cars to make the best choice.

▷ Features 2. Comparison of similar vehicles – When you sell!
Q: I'm trying to sell my car, but I do not know whether it is expensive or cheap.
A: When you sell a car, Thecarfree 5 can automatically find up to 5 cars similar to your car, so you can check both the market value of your car and the price is reasonable or not.

▷ Features 3. Check the nearest seller through the map feature.
Q: I just want to see the seller around the location I want.
A: In Thecarfree5, you can easily check the sellers from your current location or your desired area through the 'Search on map' menu.

▷ Features 4. Direct dealings without fees (THE CAR FREE 5!)
Q: So convenient! Is it really free?
A: Thecarfree5 was born to simplify the complex structure of used car transactions. It is reasonable to free of charge because it connects the seller and the buyer directly.

▷ Features 5. Quick sell feature!
Q: My car does not sell well. What do I do? Please help me Thecarfree5!
A: If you want to sell your car right away or if you are having trouble selling your car, you can try 'Quick sell' service and it is also free of charge.

Direct transactions will become an axis of used car transactions because of prolonged warranty period, increased durability of vehicle, increase of car replacement demand, ease of confirmation of insurance history and increasing used car transaction cost.

Now, let's start direct deal of used cars and motorcycles with Thecarfree5:) ○為什麼需要“Thecarfree5”?

●當我賣我車 – 如果沒有辦法推銷清潔和良好管理的汽車,我應該出售給經銷商以令人難以置信的低價格是多少?

●當我買一輛車 – 當我找到一個經銷商購買二手車,我必須支付我在互聯網現場看到的價格,加上附加費的經銷商。此外,互聯網的價格包括維修費用,油漆費用,責任保險費,光澤,停車場,辦公押金,保證金交易商的數量。此外,即使我在互聯網上看到的車輛不存在,無人問津!

●我是居住在韓國的外國人 – Thecarfree5已經發佈瞭英文版本為居住在韓國的外國人。外國人母語為英語可以購買韓資汽車,摩托車的情況下直接支付費用,或者直接出售其車輛。此外,使用付費口譯服務時,您可以方便地通過克服可能與車輛和文檔處理時發生語言障礙購買韓國自備車輛。

●實際案例:金先生,公司員工,賣他的車後,打瞭一個經銷商。他有一個管理良好的現代索納塔為三年,決定賣掉他的車1,100 Manwon(約$ 10,000),給經銷商。幾天後,他看到一輛汽車,是從互聯網的一個網站熟悉他。此外,售價為1300 Manwon。他記得誰勸他說像經銷商“你不能得到超過1100萬在韓國的任何地方贏得。”他抗議的經銷商。不過,交易商表示,他隻得到瞭,因為波蘭和維修成本的30Manwon。最後,他生氣瞭,結束瞭通話。




▷特點1.類似車輛的比較 – 當你購買!

▷特點2.同類車比較 – 當你賣瞭!
答:當你賣一輛車,Thecarfree 5可以自動發現多達5輛類似的車,這樣你就可以同時檢查你的車的市場價值和價格合理與否。






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