BLE Heart Rate Monitor

  • 名稱 : BLE Heart Rate Monitor
  • 版本 : 4.06
  • 系統 : 4.1 以上
  • 官網 :
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


軟體介紹 :

BLE Heart Rate Monitor BLE Heart Rate Monitor connects your phone to heart rate measuring devices using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) aka Bluetooth SMART and allows you to view your heart rate on your phone.

Premium Features:
* Chart to show your heart rate over time in real time w/ pan & zoom.
* Map that shows your heart rate color coded route in real time.
* Export your heart rate data to either TCX file format or Comma Separated Value (CSV) text file format so you can analyze it externally. CSV data format: Time, Heart Rate, Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (meters above sea level), Speed (meters/second), Heart Rate Variability (milliseconds), Calories Burned (kcal), Battery Level (%).

Each premium feature is unlocked independently.

Displays battery level for Polar H7 and other HRM devices that support sending battery level information. The feature is active on Android 4.3 and Samsung devices at this time.

Due to Android Bluetooth Low Energy support limitations, this app only supports devices running Android 4.3 and above, the Samsung GS4 (Android 4.2+), and the following HTC devices – HTC One, HTC Droid DNA and HTC One X+ (Android 4.1+). Please note that your device must have hardware that supports Bluetooth SMART. If your device is not supported, please don't give my app a bad rating because it is out of my control. If you'd like to know why your device is not supported, please email me at [email protected]. The 2012 Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and Galaxy Nexus are not supported at this time.

The Samsung GS3, GS2, Note 2, and Motorola Razr XT910 have been confirmed to work with Cyanogenmod 10.2. You may need to put a file "android.hardware.bluetooth_le.xml" in /system/etc/permissions in order for Android to detect that the device supports Bluetooth SMART. Please email the developer at [email protected] if you would like help using Cyanogenmod 10.2.

It has been verified to work with the Mio Alpha, Polar H7, BlueLeza HRM Blue, Zephyr HxM Smart, Viiiiva, 60beat Blue, Beets BLU, and Wahoo heart rate monitors and should be compatible with any BLE heart rate measuring device.


*你的心臟速率的數據導出到的TCX文件格式或逗號分隔值(CSV)文本文件格式,以便您可以從外部對其進行分析。 CSV數據格式:時間,心率,緯度,經度,海拔高度(海拔米),速度(米/秒),心率變異性(毫秒),消耗熱量(千卡),電池電量(%)。


顯示電池電量極地H7和支持發送電池電量信息等人力資源管理的設備。該功能被激活在Android 4.3和三星的設備在這個時候。

由於Android的藍牙低耗能支持的限制,這個程序隻運行支持設備Android 4.3及以上版本,三星GS4(安卓4.2 +),和下面的HTC設備 – 宏達其中,宏達電Droid DNA和宏達其中X +(安卓4.1 +) 。請註意,您的設備必須支持藍牙智能硬件。如果不支持您的設備,請不要給我的應用程序中評差評,因為這是在我的掌握中。如果你想知道為什麼不支持您的設備,請電郵我[email protected]。 2012年的Nexus 7,Nexus的10,和Galaxy Nexus的不支持在這個時候。

三星GS3,GS2,註2,和摩托羅拉的Razr XT910已經證實瞭的CyanogenMod 10.2工作。您可能需要把一個文件“android.hardware.bluetooth_le.xml”在/系統/ etc /權限才能為Android來檢測該設備支持藍牙智能。請您向開發者在[email protected]如果您想使用的CyanogenMod 10.2幫助。


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