Gnostic Song of Sophia (Jesus Christ & Gnosticism)

  • 名稱:Gnostic Song of Sophia (Jesus Christ & Gnosticism)
  • 版本:2.0
  • 分類:圖書與參考資源
  • 系統:3.0 以上
  • 官網:
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Gnostic Song of Sophia (Jesus Christ & Gnosticism)介紹:

Gnostic Song of Sophia (Jesus Christ & Gnosticism)

This app contains the Gnostic Song of Sophia, who sings the praise of the saving power of Jesus Christ, who is called the First Mystery and the Light. Jesus recounts to His disciples her entrapment by the denizens of the hellish region of darkness or chaos, and recalls her rescue by means of His Light. As she was bathed and enveloped in a stream of Light from her merciful Lord , Sophia was purified and raised up out of Hell. The text was originally contained within Chapter 68 of the Pistis Sophia. This app does not includ e audio.

What is Gnosticism?
Gnosticism was a religious movement which traces its roots back to the early Christian Church. It was characterized by a belief in gnosis or esoteric knowledge, through which the spiritual element in man could be released from its bondage in physical matter, and that Jesus Christ was an emissary of God or Supreme Being who enabled the redemption of the human spirit. "Gnosis" is variously interpreted as knowledge, enlightenment, salvation, emancipation or oneness with God.

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Legal Disclaimers: This app is for informational purposes only. The developer, publisher, and copyright holder are not liable for any damages or losses that may result from downloading or using this app. The views and opinions expressed within the contentare those of the author and not necessarily those of the developer or publisher. App design, APK, and graphical interface are © The Treasure Trove, Inc. and may not be reproduced without express written permission. 這個程序包含索菲亞的諾斯替教歌,誰唱的耶穌基督,誰是所謂的一個疑團和光的節電的一致好評。講述耶穌對門徒黑暗或混亂的地獄般的地區的居民滯留她,並借他的光來回憶她搶救。當她沐浴在光從她的仁慈的主流籠罩,索菲亞純化和復活了地獄。文本最初包含Pistis索非亞第68章之內。這個應用程序不包含音頻。

諾斯底主義是它可以追溯到早期基督教宗教運動。它的特點是靈知或深奧的知識,通過它在人的精神元素可以從它的自然物質的束縛釋放一個信念,耶穌是誰使人類精神的救贖神或至高存在的使者。 “靈知”是不同的解釋知識,啟蒙,救亡,解放和統一性的上帝。

無廣告! ! !脫機工作呢!

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