
  • 名稱 : Growtopia
  • 版本 : 2.14
  • 系統 : 2.3.3 以上
  • 官網 : Home
  • 內容分級 : 12 歲以上 中度暴力行為, 性諷刺內容, 賭博遊戲


軟體介紹 :

Growtopia BE AWARE! This is a game about collecting and protecting items while playing with actual human beings from all around the world. Your items CAN and WILL be stolen if you don't keep them safe. That is part of the gameplay, and stolen items will not be restored. All of the items necessary to prevent theft are available in the game. USE THEM WISELY!

PARENTS: There is a Parental Controls area in the Options menu – it allows you to disable buying Gems and Tapjoy Offer Wall options as well as block chat with other players.

Growtopia is a creative sandbox platformer MMO where you can:

* BUILD anything you can imagine – houses, dungeons, song, artwork, puzzles, etc
* COLLABORATE with real people – there have been over 12 million player accounts created, all in the same universe, no sharding!
* PLAY mini-games – parkour, surgery, quizzes, PVP battles, CTF, races, and more
* PROTECT items using an innovative lock system which allows you to give access to friends
* PLANT seeds to grow trees
* SPLICE seeds to discover hundreds of amazing items, with new items added constantly
* TRADE items in our secure trading system
* EXPLORE a universe of over 250 MILLION user-created worlds, all persistent and connected to each other
* COMMUNICATE using a full chat and messaging system
* EARN a single in-game currency entirely through gameplay
* See classic pixel graphics, optimized for small and large screens
* Hear the original soundtrack by Cory Mollenhour
* Your account is usable with clients on all platforms (Android, iOS, Win, and Mac)

Didn't get your gems or having a problem? Email us at [email protected], we'd love to help!

Growtopia is a collaboration between old school indie game developers Seth A. Robinson and Mike Hommel.

CAN'T TYPE? Tap ENG to toggle to the English keyboard! If that doesn't work, try changing keyboards. (Requires standard ascii input)

WARNING: This app allows Gem purchases using Google's In App Billing system. Be sure to disable purchases or set a pin-number in the play store if kids use your device.


傢長:有一個傢長控制區在選項菜單中 – 它可以讓你禁用購買寶石和Tapjoy發售華爾街選項,以及與其他玩傢聊天塊。


*建立任何你能想像的 – 房子,地牢,歌曲,藝術作品,拼圖等
*協作與真實的人 – 已經有創造超過1200萬玩傢賬號,都在同一個宇宙中,沒有分片!
*玩小遊戲 – 跑酷,手術,測驗,PVP戰鬥,周大福,種族,多

沒有得到你的寶石或有問題?發郵件給我們[email protected],我們很樂意幫助!


不會打字?點擊ENG切換到英文鍵盤!如果還是不行,請嘗試更改鍵盤。 (需要標準的ASCII輸入)


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