Guide For Weapon Mods

  • 名稱 : Guide For Weapon Mods
  • 版本 : 1.0
  • 系統 : 2.3.3 以上
  • 官網 :
  • 內容分級 : 3 歲以上


軟體介紹 :

Guide For Weapon Mods Do you long for guns in Minecraft? Would you like to lay waste to the countryside with explosive weapons? Maybe bring upon the apocalypse with your arsenal of death? This is the mod for you! This is the Weapons Plus Mod for Minecraft! You will find 14 new weapons in this mod including rocket launchers, flame throwers, rail guns, laser weapons, energy swords and more! 你長的槍在我的世界?你想奠定浪費爆炸性武器的鄉村?在與你的死亡阿森納的啟示也許帶來瞭什麼?這是國防部為您服務!這是武器加國防部的Minecraft!你會發現,在這個模型14個新的武器,包括火箭發射器,火焰噴射器,軌道炮,激光武器,能劍和更多!

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