Medical Terminology Quiz

  • 名稱:Medical Terminology Quiz
  • 版本:1.3
  • 分類:醫療
  • 系統:1.5 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Medical Terminology Quiz介紹:

Medical Terminology Quiz

One of the best ways to learn is to try to apply your knowledge. This never ending medical terminology quiz app works offline so you can try question after question about the Prefixes, Roots and Suffixes of medical words just as fast as you like. Scores are remembered from one session to the next so you can see if you are improving and compare your results with fellow students.

Ideal revision for City and Guilds (AMSPAR ) Certificates in Medical Terminology and CMA (AAMA) Medical Terminology Exams.

Suitable for premedical students, nursing students, medical secretaries, transcriptionists, and allied health students, in fact anyone with an interest in the language of medicine or medical education. If you are about to go to medical school or nursing college be one step ahead and impress your new tutors. If you are a nurse, medical secretary or allied health student learning English, studying our distance learning course will enhance your listening, writing and spelling skills. Now widely used for general practice (GP) staff training.

Invaluable revision for all health care courses including: City & Guilds (AMSPAR) Certificate in Medical Terminology at Levels 2 and 3, CMA / AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants) Medical Terminology Exam, SQA Medical Terminology, NHS training courses and medical secretary training courses.

The app also provides free guest access to Unit 1 and 2 – ‘The Components of Medical Words’ and ‘Cells Tissues Organs and Systems’ of the online course Interactive Medical Terminology. The guest access link can be used on your home PC. Some of the promotional graphics shown are taken from this course. 其中一個最好的學習方法就是盡量運用你的知識。這個永不落幕的醫學術語知識問答應用程序可以離線工作,所以你可以嘗試一下醫療字前綴,根和後綴的問題後,問題一樣快,只要你喜歡。分數從一個會話想起到下一個,所以你可以看到,如果你正在改善,並與同學比較結果。



寶貴的修改對所有醫護課程,包括:與倫敦城市行業協會(AMSPAR)證書的醫學術語,在級別2 3,CMA / AAMA(醫療助理的美國協會)醫療術語考試,SQA的醫學術語,NHS的培訓課程和醫療書記培訓課程。

該應用程序還提供住客免費使用1號機組和2 – 和’細胞組織器官和系統“的網絡課程交互醫學術語的”醫詞的成分“。來賓接入鏈路可以使用你家裡的電腦上。有些顯示的促銷圖形均取自本課程。

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