Mobile Health Library

  • 名稱:Mobile Health Library
  • 版本:4.7.8
  • 分類:醫療
  • 系統:5.0 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:3 歲以上

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Mobile Health Library介紹:

Mobile Health Library

Mobile Health LibraryTM (MHL) is the privacy-protected mobile app platform built for the unique education, service, and support needs of health-related customers, including patients, health professionals, caregivers, and consumers. The MHL Android app (three buttons) is your personal gateway to a “library” of special brand-specific MHL apps that support the safe and appropriate use of branded prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products. Brand-specific MHL apps are explicitly labeled for use by either Patients or Healthcare Professio nals (HCPs). Bookmarking your brand-specific MHL apps keeps “everything in one place” and provides you with confidential anytime access to important information on the safe and appropriate use of specific prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, or medical diagnostics products.

Brand-specific MHL apps help to enhance the understanding of health and medical information, and include education and customer services that support the appropriate and safe use of specific prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, or medical diagnostic products. These brand-specific MHL apps can include video instructions, simplified access to important safety information, podcasts, PDF documents, mobile cards for patient savings and discounts, built-in dosing reminders, direct connects to customer service centers and websites, and direct-to -app real-time updates and alerts. Brand-specific MHL apps can also help patients better understand and manage their health condi tions and better prepare for (and recover from) specific medical procedures.

Brand-specific MHL apps for Patients can be prescribed by health professionals (by email or SMS), or accessed directly by tapping “Search MHL Apps” to locate education, service, and support apps for specific branded prescription and OTC medications, medical devices, and medical diagnostic products. Brand-specific MHL apps for Healthcare Professionals may be shared between medical peers and colleagues.

MHL Key facts:

•MHL apps can include valuable discounts and savings.

•MHL apps can help you understand your health conditions and related treatments.

•MHL apps can be received via email or SMS from a health professional, friend, family member, or loved one.

•MHL apps may also be accessed via “Search MHL Apps”, or by scanning an MHL app “tag” with the MHL tag scanner.

•MHL apps may receive direct-to-app updates, with alerts that direct you (via yellow highlights) to specific app updates and messages.

•MHL apps are confidential, meaning that your identity remains unknown to medication, medical device, and medical diagnostic manufacturers. If you choose to enroll in any manufacturer offers within brand-specific MHL apps, you will be bound by the confidentiality and privacy conditions of these offers.

•MHL app “tags” may be found on posters, collat​​eral printed materials, advertisements, websites, or product-related packaging.

•MHL apps can be shared with friends, family, and loved ones via email and SMS.

Use MHL on your Android device or visit
Mobile Health Library, LLC

MHL is serious about your privacy. MHL takes reasonable steps to protect any personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Any information that is personally identifiable issecured in our database, per HIPAA-compliance guidelines. 

For a complete privacy policy and to learn more about MHL, please visit 移動:健康LibraryTM(MHL)是保護隱私的移動應用平台,建立獨特的教育,服務和支持,與健康相關的客戶,其中包括患者,衛生專業人員,照顧者和消費者的需求。 MHL Android應用程序(3個按鈕)是您的個人門戶,一個“庫”的特殊品牌的品牌處方藥和非處方藥,醫療器械和醫療診斷產品的安全和適當使用特定的的MHL應用程序,支持。品牌特定的的MHL應用程序是使用明確標示,無論是病人或醫療保健專業人士(HCPS)。書籤您的品牌MHL特定的應用程序保持“一切都在一個地方”,為您提供與保密隨時隨地訪問重要信息的安全和適當使用特定的處方藥和非處方藥,醫療器械,醫療診斷產品。







MHL是認真對待您的隱私。 MHL採取合理的措施來保護任何個人身份信息丟失,誤用,未經授權的訪問,披露,變更或破壞。這是識別個人身份的任何信息固定在我們的數據庫中,每HIPAA遵守的準則。對於一個完整的隱私政策,並了解更多有關MHL,請訪問。

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