此 App 專為 iPhone 和 iPad 設計
- NT$ 30
- 分類: 遊戲
- 更新時間: 23 March 2012
- 版本: 3.1
- 大小: 17.1 MB
- Language: English
- 開發商: Webi & Neti Internet Services Inc.
- © 2009 i.Game Webi & Neti Inc.
兼容性: Requires iOS 3.2 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
❖App情報誌推薦-2012 實在好玩 輕鬆舒壓小遊戲❖
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i.Game 晶鑽大老二
玩傢最期待的大老二,獨傢超值四合一絕美登場!共四種遊戲模式,除瞭你可能玩過的經典模式及剝削模式之外,還有i.Game 獨創的混戰模式及魔法模式,每種玩法都有其獨特的打牌策略,等待你去發掘!
在魔法大老二的世界,眾多魔法卡片,可以逆轉出牌方向、顛倒牌的大小,重新分配所有牌,與某玩傢交換所有牌….. 牌局增添更多變數,穩操勝券的好牌隨時可能風雲變色、一手爛牌也可以扭轉乾坤,保證樂趣無窮!
i.Game 晶鑽大老二,共有四種完全不同的大老二玩法,遊戲千變萬化,喜歡大老二的您絕不能錯過!
New update! 4 exclusive game modes – Classic Big2, Big Mix Big2, Magic Big2 and Exploit Big2, each with different gaming strategies for you to discover!
Big2 is a traditional card game like Poker. Each player gets 13 cards, and the goal is to play out all the cards with the following available combinations: Single card, Pairs, Three of a Kind, Straights, Full House, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, and a brand new combination for Big Mix Mode – Five of a Kind. The game is called Big2, as the card “2” is the highest score card.
i.Game Big2 Big Mix Mode is a challenging variation which uses 2 card sets (104 cards) while dealing 52 cards.
Therefore there can be more than one of the same card (eg. 2 Spade Ace), and more big combinations like Four of a Kind, Royal Straight or even Five of a Kind.
Magic Mode adds lots of magic cards which can change direction, invert card order, redeal all unplayed cards, exchange cards with another player….. thus adding lots of fun to the game!
In the Exploit Mode game, the winner (the Lord) can request the loser (the Beggar) to give out up to 2 selected cards, so be careful to win from the first round!
Support for Traditional Chinese and English, with detailed help on each game mode and all card combinations.
What’s New in Version 3.1
1. Minor display bug fixed.