GA7: Temple of the Spider God

  • 名稱:GA7: Temple of the Spider God
  • 版本:
  • 分類:角色扮演
  • 系統:2.0.1 以上
  • 官網: Home
  • 內容分級:12 歲以上恐怖

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GA7: Temple of the Spider God介紹:

GA7: Temple of the Spider God

The critically acclaimed gamebook series returns with gamebook legend, Jonathan Green at the helm! Jonathan Green is best known for his work on the Fighting Fantasy series, but has also been involved with gamebooks and novels based on SW Clone Wars, Doctor Who and Warhammer 40k!

•Pocket Gamer 2012 Awards Best Adventure/RPG Game nominee!
• Best App Ever Awards 2011 2nd place!
•#1 ranked iPad Dice Game in 10 countries and top #10 ranked iPad RPG Game in 15 countries.

"Cesaro Cortez, a famed explorer-conquistador, set out three years ago on his last great expedition. His ships never returned to an Orlandrian port and he was feared lost until a mysterious cargo appeared recently in Miramar. The nature of this cargo will put Orlandes in jeopardy, sending you on an epic journey to find Cortez, save the country and face your darkest fear!"

"For those of us who grew up with the Fighting Fantasy books, this is almost like a homecoming. It’s a great modern equivalent to the books many of us loved as youngsters, with the same kind of attention to detail and thrilling fantastical touches that made these adventures so enjoyable. A splendidly written interactive fantasy story that will keep you hooked until the very end.&quot ; – POCKETGAMER (8 out of 10 review)

"…a series of lovingly crafted and extremely well-written interactive fantasy novels. It’s surprisingly engrossing stuff, the economically written narrative packi ng in masses of detail, while rattling out a pacey, involving story." – THE GUARDIAN

"Gamebook Adventures are fun to read – not just because the RPG mechanic draws you in and engages you in the story, but also because the stories are good fantasy fiction. The artwork is great and there is a great deal of replayability in the application, especially when you consider the hundreds of choices that can be made and the various difficulties." – WIRED.COM

"After finally making my way through the series’ newest release, I’m somewhat ashamed that I’ve waited so long to take the plunge…" – 148APPS

"I’ve had an absolutely fabulous time playing through them, and highly encourage anyone interested in fantasy novels to check ’em out." – TOUCH ARCADE

What is a Gamebook Adventure?
Gamebook Adventures is brought together through the efforts of passionate and avid gamebook enthusiasts. If you are familiar with the Fighting Fantasy, Sorcery, Lo ne Wolf or Grail Quest series then Gamebook Adventures will really appeal to you. Our aim is to give those nostalgic readers of old something new and fresh, and bring a new exciting experience to those unfamiliar with gamebooks. If you enjoy fantasy RPGs or adventure games then this is for you!

At their core, all of our gamebooks are compelling adventure stories where you get to choose how the adventure unfolds. Every section of the narrative concludes with choices that you have to make. The choices you make will alter the story, taking you down new paths and giving you new choices.

Occasionally you will be presented with a situation that needs to be resolved with some dice rolling. The gamebook engine lets you throw 3D physics based dice that roll and bounce as if you were tossing them on a tabletop. Roll the dice to resolve combat by pitting your character against a myriad of enemies. Roll the dice to see if you were able to leap the gaping chasm, orpick the shopkeep’s pockets. Roll the dice to see if you won a bet, or caught the plague!

Did you take a wrong turn? Or make some bad dice rolls? Then hopefully you put in a bookmark so that you can go back and try again!

If you want to keep up to date with the latest Gamebook news:

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Visit the blog: 廣受好評的gamebook系列返回與gamebook傳說,喬納森·格林掌舵!喬納森·格林是最出名的是他對戰鬥的幻想系列的工作,而且還參與了基於SW克隆戰爭,who醫生和戰鎚40K! gamebooks和小說

•口袋Gamer 2012金像獎最佳冒險/角色扮演遊戲提名!

“Cesaro中科爾特斯,一個著名的探險家,征服者,載於三年前在他的最後一個偉大的探險,他的船再也沒有回到一個Orlandrian端口,並且他害怕失去,直到一個神秘的貨物最近出現在Miramar,該貨物的性質將放Orlandes處於危險之中,再送你史詩般的旅程尋找科爾特斯,挽救國家,面對你的最黑暗的恐懼! “

“對於我們這些誰一起長大的戰鬥的幻想書籍,這幾乎就像是回家,這是一個偉大相當於現代的書籍很多人喜愛的年輕人,與對細節的同樣的關注,這讓驚心動魄的奇幻觸控這些冒險如此愉快。一個漂漂書面互動的幻想故事,將讓你大呼過癮,直到最後一刻。“ – POCKETGAMER(8出10條評論)

“……一系列精巧可愛,非常精心編寫交互式奇幻小說,這是令人驚訝的引人入勝的東西,在群眾詳細的經濟書面敘述包裝,劍拔弩張了佩西,涉及的故事。” – 衛報

“Gamebook冒險的樂趣閱讀- 不僅僅是因為RPG遊戲機械師吸引你和你從事的這個故事,也因為故事是美好的幻想小說的藝術作品是偉大的,有大量的重複可玩性的應用,尤其是當你考慮到數以百計的選擇,可與各種困難“。 – WIRED.COM

“之​​後終於通過系列的最新版本使我的方式,我有點慚愧,我已經等了這麼久才花了一大筆錢……” – 148APPS

“我有一個美妙絕倫的時間通過他們玩,並非常鼓勵有興趣的人的幻想小說來檢查’時間了。” – 觸摸商場





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